Correct riding posture: upper body leaning forward, head slightly tilted forward, looking forward, arms naturally bent, hands lightly and powerfully holding the handlebars, waist arched, feet doing vertical circular pedaling Movement, avoid swinging the legs from side to side, and distribute the weight more evenly on the buttocks, feet, and hands.

Today, I will explain the various gripping postures of the road bike handlebars, as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages, so that the rider can master the profound meaning of changing riding postures.

Many riders have begun to waver, should they continue to ride in the snow and ice environment? How to ride a bicycle in snowy weather? What issues need attention?

Today, cyclists prefer a 29er fork over a Carbon Fork when buying a bike.
This is because non-tapered forks are not only lighter than tapered forks but also stronger than carbon forks.
However, the rigid fork is more resilient on impact and more pliable than the mtb fork, making it resistant to damage.
I've been lucky enough...

A traditional bike seatpost determines the environmental induced seat loads to analyze damping characteristics.
This blog introduces a carbon seatpost capable of measuring all six load components.
User-induced riding loads include all loads that the user puts on the bike during the ride and are measured at the steering bike post and pedals.

On average, the best rigid fork on the market is one-third the weight of the carbon fork.
So it's no wonder that more and more tapered forks you see are made of carbon.
Installing the carbon mtb fork has little effect on the bike's performance, but the weight reduction definitely makes a big difference.
Here we look at a wide variety of ...

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