It's not uncommon to see big guys on bikes, and despite their speed, they seem to be taking it easy. Whether it is a flat road or a climbing road, the big guys can always pedal the bicycle in a smooth and coordinated way. This seemingly easy way comes from their correct rhythm. Know the riding rhythm and work hard...

Mountain biking is an adrenaline-rushing sport that requires a high-quality bike with an equally sturdy frame. If you're a serious biker searching for an affordable, durable, high-performance mountain bike frame, look no more. Welcome to the Trifox bike – 29er Carbon MTB Hardtail Frame.

There are few cyclists who don't like going downhill, and we even see it as a reward. You don't need to push hard, you can enjoy the speed and the feeling of the wind on your face, which is really cool. Moreover, cycling downhill sounds like a sport that does not require much skill and physical strength, but in fact,...

In the cycling circle, have you noticed such a phenomenon that every rider can't tell the actual age. Because most people who participate in cycling look much younger than their peers, why is this?

The angle of the cushion should be roughly level. But there is no need to be too rigid, you can adjust it according to yourself. For example, some men feel that the front end of the seat cushion presses the perineum and causes pain during cycling. You can adjust the front end of the seat cushion slightly to reduce the...

When a novice just starts riding a bicycle, he will encounter such confusion during the riding process. What is the difference between high and low cadence? What cadence is suitable for racing? What cadence is suitable for everyday cycling? How to choose my cadence? Let's talk about why cadence is so important from multiple perspectives.

Although the Tour de France is second only to the Olympics and the World Cup in influence, that doesn't make cycling the most popular sport in the world (it doesn't even crack the top 10). But that doesn't stop cycling from being one of the best in the world.

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