People often say that long-term diseases are medical, and they are also riding bicycles. If you often ride bicycles, you will encounter various problems. Over time, you will also have some basic understanding of the mechanical principles of the bicycle, and you will have some basic understanding of the mechanical principles of the bicycle, and you...

When rim brakes and disc brakes alternate, many riders have already raised the question of whether disc brakes have greater wind resistance. As everyone knows, adding a disc brake system near the hub does increase wind resistance, but how much is the difference? Did you know there is also a difference in air resistance between bike discs?

It's the beginning of a new year's ride. We should pay attention not to exercise too much because of excitement. We must give some buffer to our muscles and bones that have not been active all winter. We must pay special attention to the protection of the knee joints, because the cartilage and meniscus in the knees, etc. It...

There is a lot of knowledge about breathing, and it is not so easy to discuss and study it. Different sports have different breathing characteristics. And some good breathing methods also need to be developed. Why focus on breathing? The combination of man and nature is here! I don't understand qigong, but don't talk about anything when...

In winter, we often have to face the snow-covered ground and mountain roads, but this will certainly not stop enthusiasts from riding enthusiasm. There are some snow riding tips for cycling enthusiasts, unless you have the kind of snowmobile with particularly exaggerated tires, these tips must be useful to you.

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